“I’m having a lot of fun right now“ Park City (pps) At first she was very proud of having won the Olympic gold medal, but then - being faced with expectations from the outside and under a growing internal pressure - she perceived all this as a burden rather than a blessing. In numerous discussions with the staff of coaches, her mechanic and her mental coach Tatjana Huefner learned to take it all in her stride. “Right now, I’m having a lot of fun”, said the Olympic and two-time World champion as well as three-time overall Viessmann Luge World Cup winner in an interview with FIL press. Tatjana Huefner continues: “For all the ambition and the success in luge – you can only achieve all this if you’re having fun and if you’re relaxed. I’m happy that I’ve been able to get back both, the fun and being relaxed.” So far, the 27-year old German athlete has won all four events in the Viessmann Luge World Cup and thus her track list of individual victories has now grown to a total of 25. The interview: FIL press: There are Olympic champions who carry around their gold medals as if it were a heavy backpack. However, one gets the impression that with your Olympic title at the 2010 Winter Games in Vancouver you have grown wings. Is that right? Tatjana Huefner: “It depends... On the one hand it was great having achieved this Olympic victory because it is what I’ve worked hard for many years. And when everything is working out it makes you really proud. On the other hand there are expectations from the outside world and of course there’s also an internal pressure. And all that just keeps growing and growing. Of course you could describe it as a kind of backpack. But I’ve talked a lot with my staff of coaches, my mechanic and I have worked with my mental coach so that I’ve been able to move on. I’m now concentrating on different things, that is the sport of luge as such and the fine-tuning of the sled. And yes, I’ve started well into the season.” FIL press: We have the impression that, this season, you are absolutely relaxed and that you have a lot of fun. Do you enjoy everything that is associated with the sport of luge? Tatjana Huefner: “That’s right, I guess you could say so. Right now I’m having great fun. And I believe that it’s very important. For all the ambition and the success one hopes to celebrate– you can only achieve it all if you’re having fun and if you’re relaxed. And both feelings are very strong right now. I’m really happy that I’ve been able to get both back – the fun and being relaxed.” FIL press: It seems quite obvious that there is a new team spirit within Germany’s squad. Is this impression correct? Tatjana Huefner: “At present everything is working out really well. Carina Schwab, who has succeeded Corinna Martini, is well integrated into the team. We are getting on well. Of course we’re not all very best friends but we ‘live in harmony’ and we are able to push each on to achieve even better performances. This is why we have a kind of healthy rivalry within our team.” FIL press: Within five years you have celebrated 25 individual victories. Ahead of you there are only Sylke Otto – she collected 37 wins within twelve years – and Silke Kraushaar-Pielach, who took eleven years to celebrate her 36 individual victories. Have you already calculated when you will be able to catch up with them? Tatjana Huefner: ”To be honest - no. Statistics mean nothing to me. I can’t seriously start thinking about my 37th victory, right? I’m just taking it step by step, from week to week.” FIL press: During the summer months you have brushed up your Russian. Are the 2014 Olympic Winter Games in Sochi your next big goal? Tatjana Huefner: “Well, I’m still trying to improve my Russian. True enough, the Games in Sochi are of course at the back of my mind. As an athlete you always have this four-year rhythm at the back of your mind. But I’m still trying to concentrate on the years in between, too. Each year we have a World Championship as the season’s highlight. For me, each and every competition – no matter if it is a World Cup or a World Championship – is exciting. But of course, Olympic Games are the ultimate goal for an athlete and this is why it is important for me, too. And as far as my Russian lessons are concerned - it’s rather well timed since we’ll have our first World Cup event in Paramonovo this season.” FIL press: World Championships as the seaon’s highlight. You surely have only good memories thinking of Cesana? Tatjana Huefner: “Oh yes. That’s true. In Cesana in 2006, I experienced my first Olympic Games and it was the absolute highlight for me. But I like all the different tracks. Let’s wait and see how it will turn out. Right now there are World Cup events coming up…” Short Biography Tatjana Huefner, born on April 30, 1983 in Neuruppin - domicile: Blankenburg - height: 178 cm - weight: 76 kg - profession: soldier – active since 1992. Greatest success: 2010 Olympic champion, 2006 Olympic bronze medallist, 2007 and 2008 World champion, 2008 World champion team relay; 2004 and 2006 European runner-up; overall World Cup winner 2007-2008, 2008-2009 and 2009-2010; overall World Cup runner-up 2006-2007; overall World Cup 3rd 2005-2006; 2003 runner-up at the Junior Worlds; 2002 Junior Worlds 3rd and overall Challenge-Cup winner 2008-2009. Posted a total of 25 individual victories in the Viessmann Luge World Cup.
Huefner Tatjana Weltcup W Berg 258 C Dietmar Reker 01